Introduction to this page.

Hey everybody this is John Turk, I’m Julia’s husband. I’m starting a new playlist on her channel that will deal with questions I had, and many skeptics have regarding faith in God. All those posts and videos will be here as well as on her channel, julia Shalom Jordan.

I claimed to be a skeptic and found out over time I was really a cynic. I didnt want to believe in an all-powerful God – I loved my life just the way it was.
I found myself only reading things that debunked God and didn’t want to hear the faith side of the discussion. I thought God’s people were hypocrites and ugly and I wanted nothing to do with them.

 I also saw all the corruption in the church and decided “God” was just a big ponce scheme. So, if you are one of those people, I get you. I’m here not to thump you over the head with a Bible but to say this- Don’t look for God in a church or man, look for him in the Bible. I’m not saying all churches are bad or people of God are bad. Find churches and people whose actions or “fruit’ so to speak fall in line with God’s teachings.

Jesus wants us to be skeptics…he wants us to search for the truth. He says in Matthew 7:15, Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Sound familiar? Sounds like these priests molesting kids and stealing from the pulpit. God despises them to. I also found this verse to speak to me, Jeremiah 29:13- you will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. And lastly This phrase is spoken in many academic circles and emblazoned on signs near the entrance of college campuses. where intellectual professors deny God. It’s a quote from Jesus in John 8:32- “the truth will set you free”.

Over the weeks I will be answering questions presented by you the viewers and skeptics about the existence of God and how we all struggle at times. The Bible doesn’t answer a lot of life’s turmoil so much of it is faith based. What that means is putting your faith in God that he has it handled, not that he exists or doesn’t exist.

I want everyone to know I appreciate you taking the time to ask any question. No question is stupid or bad, especially if it is one keeping you from searching for the truth that is God and Jesus Christ. Please comment on any video and leave a question. You can also visit my web site at for more information or on how to contact me.

Thanks for tuning in and here is the video if you prefer watching: