If you’re ready to accept Jesus as your savior and want Him to be part of your life, say this prayer…AND MEAN IT:


“Dear Heavenly Father, I know I am a sinner and I repent for my sins.

Thank you for your forgiveness and I choose to forgive those who have wronged me. Help me to live in a way that pleases you and strengthen me as I resist my sinful ways. Thank you for sending your Son, Jesus, to die for my sins and fill me with your Holy Spirit, to empower and guide my life. In Jesus name thank you, Amen.”

Accepting Christ doesn’t mean that you can go on sinning and living the way you had. Once you are touched by Christ, you should be a changed person and no longer desire your old sin. For some people this is a dramatic change, and for others it takes time to escape their previous life style. Mine took time.

The bottom line is that you are “born again” in Christ. You leave your old life and become a new person in Jesus and you will desire to live like Christ. God’s grace provided a solution for Humanity in the form of Jesus.

The amazing thing about our God is that He wants a relationship with us. Not robots that repeat the same prayers over and over never once speaking from their heart. He wants to know you with all your faults. So get to know the God of the universe. If you stay still and quiet you will feel him touch your heart.

If you feel there is more to life than what this world has to offer, hunger for it. Search for it. Ask God to show you why He created you and He will.